Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Shortcut Chicken Satay

This week I made Chicken Satay. The recipe I used was from a co-worker whose husband I know to be a wonderful cook. I'm calling this 'shortcut' chicken satay because the recipe for the sauce was so easy and I already had all four of the ingredients. (Whereas another co-worker once gave me a chicken satay recipe with a nine ingredient marinade plus an eight ingredient sauce.)

The chicken turned out perfect! The sauce had just enough flavor to be really yummy without being over powerful or sweet.

Monday, February 4, 2013

DIY Cocktail Stirs

For my latest project I made cocktail stirs for a wedding happy hour. There are many similar stirs for sale on Etsy, but I needed 300 and it seemed cheaper to try to make them myself. I like the way they turned out, and they were even quicker to make than I expected.

Two of the completed stirs